Project Description

Mutiara Hadis suggest an alternative solution for better search engine of relevant
Malay Translated Hadith documents due to accurate hadith information retrieval is
important to provideaccess to the reference to laymen and hadith expert. Its
importance has increased because of the vast and quickly increasing amount of
documents that make reference to hadith and as well as appearance of Fabricated
hadith available through electronic means that may affect the integrity of the
hadith as the second source of the Islamic Knowledge and also, most of the
documents that are retrieved in traditional IR including in Hadith Information
Retrieval are irrelevant to the user. Motivated by such limitations, Mutiara Hadis
are developed using new algorithm, consist of a Vector Space Retrieval Model,
Artificial Intelligence of Fuzzy Logic and Rule Base technique of Malay Thesaurus
model in purpose to enhance the retrieval of Malay Translated Hadith.
Experimenting results prove the proposed system have capability to recall unseen
document with the application of thesaurus in text retrieval and also retrieve
reliable hadith using the new algorithm. Furthermore, the development of MUTIARA
HADIS, a web-based Malay Language. Hadith search engine is available freely online
for the benefits of Muslims society generally and Malay society specifically. It
is highly expected that the web-based Malay Language Hadith search engine will
increase the awareness and understanding of Hadith. It is also hope to be Valuable
for future educational work in the field of Information Retrieval and acts as a
contribution from the faculty as well as Universiti Teknologi MARA to Islamic
Society at Large. It also have a good reception among user, this shown in
September 2018, number of hits (user visits) for the project website is 2,658,436.
Provide ICT-based platforms for Malay language content retrieval using semantic
knowledge and fuzzy ranking techniques.
Support diverse forms of local content development for digital and traditional hadith
archives that can stimulate respect towards religion and language.
Version 1.0: Mutiara Hadith
Corpus construction, string similarity retrieval technique and web system.
Bukhari corpus used.
Version 2.0: Mudir 2.0
Added corpus, semantic retrieval technique, mobile application.
Bukhari and Muslim corpus used.
Version 3.0: Mudir 3.0
Semantic retrieval technique with fuzzy logic ranking.
Bukhari, Muslim, Sunan Ibnu Majjah, Sunan At-Tarmidzi, Sunan Abu Dawud,
Sunan Annasa’I and Shiah/False Hadith corpuses used.
Target user Youth University students Social Media Approach SMEs (USIM,UKM, KUIS) Formal & informal classes University classes related to IR4.0 Community classes eg: kelas Tertiary level (Secondary) Outreach Program UIF Sept 2019
Collaboration Research Interest Groups – MuDIR Relevant agencies – JAKIM, KDN, PECAMP (society of IR and KM) Universities through research grant collaboration – ACIS, UiTM. USIM, KUIS, UM
Impact Community Alternative reference in formal and informal learning and research Promote interest towards local content learning in religious content (hadiths) National Enrich local archive for malay translated resources Digital Resource Global Increase the global accessibility of hadith content through the creation of
intelligent hadith retrieval system
Sustainability plan Technology enhancement. Collaboration with other international universities, local community. Cater for Arabic alphabets. Translation using other languages e.g. Mandarin, Tamil. Revenue model e.g. licensing per use. Replicability Can be replicated to other Domain Area Replicate to other Malay language corpus Technology Replicate to other domain or language using different algorithm and techniques Community
Technology AI Fuzzy logic.